Chich Chick Chick Chick Chicken!

The chicks are here! Well 4 of the 6 are any ways. The last two will be here later this month. Maddy chose a Rhode Island Red and named her Red. Gracie chose a Columbian Wyandotte, that she is naming Snow. Snow will not be here for another 2 weeks but Gracie is having fun with what we have now:) Randy and I selected the other 4 breeds. I chose a Buff Orpington, that I named Camille and a Dark Brahma, that Jack named Peep Peep. Randy chose an Ameracuana that he named Lady Gaga, and a Golden Laced Wyandotte that will be coming soon and will be named Lucille.

Not too long after putting them in their first box we realized that there was no way we were going to be able to have them in a box where we could not see them, so i went and found a clear tub and got it all set up and transferred the chicks where they could stay warm with perfect viewing!

Getting the chicks in their brooder box.

All 4 girls checking out their brooder box. Red is tired and already napping. It is so funny how they get tired and sleep for 5 mins and then they are up and running around and then back to napping in no time.

Oh Peep Peep!!!

Red is in front and Peep Peep in back.

Randy with Red. I think we are just as excited as the kids. It's so fun to watch them!

Jack checking out the chicks. He wants to hold them so badly, but we're afraid he'll squeeze them, so looking will have to do:)

Maddy with Red.

Gracie with Lady Gaga.